mandala symbolism
modern man in search of soul
jung and the christian way
jung, synchronicity and human destiny
jung’s psychology and its social meaning
an introduction to jung’s psychology
the gift
crossing to avalon
goddess in every woman
the tao of psychology
toward wholeness
in her image
notes on love and courage
notes to myself
i touch the earth the earth touches me
a book of games
notes on how to live in the world… and still be happy
living: moral choice in public and private life
right use of will
wealth addiction
money and the meaning of life
coming to age: the coming years
the crone
the skeptical feminist
women of the 14th moon
the farming of bones
the wounded woman
femininity lost and regained
women’s sexuality myth and reality
the denial of death
magical child
the drama of the gifted child
banished knowledge
toward a new psychology of women
thou shalt not be aware
lady chatterly’s lover
the last temptation of christ
the baron in the trees
the aran islands
magister ludi
stones of aran: pilgrimage
swan’s way
stones of aran: pilgrimage
peace like a river
any bitter thing
sons and lovers
french grammar
pocket dictionary
a book of angels
the cry for myth
the feminine face of god
the bond between women
the family
in the early world
shame and guilt
curtain for a jester
take only as directed
poetical works
sailing alone around the world
mamas girl
ghosts on the coast of maine
fairy tales of ireland
from the irish countryside
poetry usa
the complete works of william shakespeare
the yearling
my backyard history book
stories from motherliness
the story and the reader
women’s way of knowing
mothers songs
pass through the fire
wizards and witches
the basic writing of c.g. jung
the heart of friendship
between women
sister outsider
hamlet’s mother and other women
writing a woman’s life
the secret strength of depression
the girl who swallowed the moon
the universe is a green dragon
sugar in the raw
reinventing eve
the diving bell and the butterfly
the life of the spirit in women
the voice within
the lives of a cell
daughters of copper woman
knowing woman
journey through menopause
psyche’s sisters
amor and psyche
what do women want?
born to win
tough love
the betrayal of the body
illness as metaphor
of love and shadows
eva luna
i know why the caged bird sings
a month in the country
four novels by marguerite duras
the summer of the great grandmother
the irrational season
like water for chocolate
a woman’s story
last stone
long quiet highway
the lottery
the witchcraft of salem village
we have always lived in the castle
bird by bird
operating instructions
river notes
can grande’s castle
a river runs through it
the riddle of the sands
remembering the bone house
women and teaching
so long see you tomorrow
tell me a riddle
the farming of bones
fables and legends of ireland
irish fairy tales
the assassin
the professor and the madman
the uses of enchantment
p.s. i love you
the crystal chalice
the language of silence
my antonia
the angry book
harvest of the years
the five phases of food
secrets and surprises
the heart of the matter
the deep democracy of open forums
final gifts
leave the grave green
the fur person
a reckoning
a world of light
journal of a solitude
drinking the rain
adventures in the skin trade
a passion for friends
zen and the art of writing
feminism: the forbidden word
daughters and mothers
the mozart effect
the road less travelled
mind in action
gestalt self therapy
if not now when
operating instructions
the dance of anger
dreaming the end of the world
good night willie lee, I’ll see you in the morning
the lonely voice
parabola/the body
world of our fathers
tuesdays with morrie
eternal echoes
composing a life
the color purple
in search of our mothers’ gardens
divine secrets of the yaya
women and writing
three guineas
a writer’s diary
the waves
close company
sex and other sacred games
the hero within
ravens in winter
the children’s book of folktales
finding the beloved
jill ker conway, editor
black beauty
peter and wendy
inward bound
illuminations: the healing image
embracing your inner critic
the man who mistook his wife for a hat
the enjoyment and use of color
the analytic encounter: transference and human relationships
the irish leprechaun book
the life we are given
the witch of portobello
fact of crystal
collected poems
gift from the sea
looking for the faces of god
the heights of macchu picchu
the separate rose
the will to change
on lies, secrets, and silence
the dream of a common language
a wild patience has taken me this far
my mother’s body
the moon is always female
the palm of the end of the mind
selected poems of edwin arlington robinson
halfway to silence
collected poems 1930 1973
if i had my life to live over
women’s bodies, women’s wisdom
hope springs eternal
the infinite passion of expectation
collected poems
when a child dies
letters from maine
a grain of mustard seed
the fur person
the death notebooks
herb’s poems
crossing the field
pictures of the floating world
I know what the red clay looks like
collected poems
the late hour
the story of our lives
the monument
bury the blackbird here
dower land
where the deer were
master’s spoon river anthology
at the moment of meeting
dissolving contexts
a hundred and seventy chinese poems
the melancholy of departure
shiny objects
the short story
kinds of love
mother to daughter daughter
to mother
of woman born
women and fiction 2
circle of stones
the weight of water
the freeing of the dust
holy the firm
within a budding grove
indirections for those who want to write
stop, look, and write
language in thought and action
writing a novel
the art of fiction
becoming a writer
how to imagine
letters to a young poet
the eye of the story
language in thought and action
words and their use
the american heritage dictionary
nine stories
the no. 1 ladies’ detective agency
character and crisis
the elephant headed god
darsan: seeing the divine image of india
a brief history of time
the woman’s comfort book
voices from the hood
voices from the hood
path through the fire
path through the fire
path through the fire
mark strand selected poems
in wildness is the preservation of the world
dracaena the
grace bestowing power
tarot magic
tin whistle
sight and insight
toxic parents
aching for love
women, androgyne, and other mythical beasts
the selected poems of shunter tanikawa
the grandmother of time
internal affairs
meeting the madwoman
the stormy search for the self
creating sacred space with feng shui
silencing the self
the age of the newgrange
conversations with primo levi
the drowned and the saved
the fifth son
seed of sarah
maus 2
the craft of fiction
one to one
writings on writing
story crafting
king of the jews
the writer on her work
how to be your dog’s best friend
an execution in the family
the elements of style
writing without teacher
century handbook of writing
living the writer’s life
psyche in language and clinic
the writing life
revolution from within
a susan sontag reader
material thinking
we are all part of one another
for her own good
mother wit
the partnership way
the chalice and the blade
the horned god
women’s reality
weaving the visions
repeat after me
when society becomes an addict
women, sex, and addiction
body, mind and spirit
the wisdom of the body
a woman’s book of life
healing and the mind
games people play
facing evil
the everyday work of art
your mythic journey
between ourselves
the dynamism of nutrition
the castle of crossed destinies
the sign of the stag
the druids
miracle at philadelphia
wallace stevens and the seasons
the pictorial key in the tarot
the spell of the sensuous
jung and tarot
anatomy of the spirit
the great fire
the emperor’s last island
the blue day book
the inner sky
the snow leopard
thinking about memoir
mythic tarot workbook
100 selected poems
what men live by
break of day
the art of seeing
death in venice
bound for glory
living by fiction
darkness visible
and from that center
towards the center
towards the center
towards the center
towards the center
towards the center
anatomy of light
life after life
the sky people
the prophet
the prophet
the earth gods
the soul of the white ant
god of a hundred names
the practice and process of meditation
the symbolic and the real
the white robed monk
letters of the scattered brotherhood
instrument of thy peace
the enlightened heart
a palpable god
the power of your mind
no man is an island
zen and the birds of appetite
the ascent to truth
the sign of jonas
thomas merton, monk
on eastern crossroads
the mongol mission
the little flowers of saint francis assisi
saint francis of assisi
pioneers of christian thought
honest to god
the bible speaks to you
the third eye
le petit prince
the grieving time
conversations with god
rumi: poet and mystic
zen buddhism
the bible
the bible as literature
cruden’s complete concordance
holy bible
holy bible
holy bible
holy bible
the way of the white clouds the secret doctrine
from caves and jungles of hindustan
personal memoirs of h.p. blavatsky
a study in consciousness
in the outer court
the light of the soul
esoteric astrology
creative mythology
the book
from sphinx to christ
the mahatma letters to a.p. signet
the most holy trinosophia
questions and answers
man visible and invisible
new pathways in science
the imprisoned splendor
psychical research
simple abundance journal of gratitude
anthroposophy, an introduction
metaphor and meaning in psychotherapy
psychology and psychical research
caravan of dreams
the varieties of religious experience
come into life
come into life
love speaks the secret path
the secret path
when the sun moves northward
light on the path
ten questions on prayer
traces of a hidden tradition
in meditation
the cloud of unknowing
meditations of maharishi mahesh yogi
the impersonal life
day by day
the spiritual life
the cloud of unknowing
the cloud of unknowing
the cloud of unknowing
the thought of marcus aurelius antoninus
the gospel of st. john
following of christ
the vision of the nazarene
the science of the initiates
letters to a disciple
the science of the initiates
experiment in death
love and will
the religion of man
autobiography of a yogi
biblical religion and the search for ultimate reality
light on aging and dying
the infinite hive
the infinite hive
the meaning of happiness
the way of zen
the savage and beautiful country
centering prayer
meditations with julian of norwich
stories of god
the inner world of choice
a vision
neti neti
the mind as nature
the holy center
the presence of other worlds
the natural depth in man
the message
the new group of world servers and the energy of goodwill
the power of the word
the purity of life
the symphony of life
a sufi rule for novices
the last barrier
mr tompkins in wonderland
through the looking glass
letters of the scattered brotherhood
magic white and black
the doors of perception
the doors of perception
the perennial philosophy
the perennial philosophy
collected eddies
essays on the gita
the secret oral teachings in tibetan buddhist sects
the ten principal upanishads
at seventy
Perspektiven teilhard de chardins
the upanishads
agni yoga
agni yoga
fiery world iii
common prayer hymnal
infinity ii
leaves of moire’s garden i
leaves of moire’s garden ii
who dies
new meanings of death
a manual of death education and simple burial
last letter to the pebble people
on life after death
gone from my sight
talking to children about death
preparing for death
my friend, I care
a time to live
maine advance directive guide
noble heart
the book of the book
a mapmaker’s dream
highgate cemetery
when things fall apart
healing into life and death
myth and ritual in christianity
the joyous mythology
in my own way
behold the teacher
the way of life according to lao tzu
the way of life according to lao tzu
nature, man and woman
psychotherapy east and west
the end of sorrow
molecules of the mind
the tibetan book of the dead
right use of will
cecil rhodes, the man and his work
initiation into yoga
the courage to create
growing up at 37
commentaries on living
the work of thought
the flight of the eagle
commentaries on living
the history of the sixteen karma’s of tibet
myths and symbols in indian art
the gnostic gospels
the supreme doctrine
the song of god
the bhagavad gita
the song of god
the bhagavad gita
the yoga sutras of patanjali
notes on the bhagavad gita
the book of cells
man and the nature spirits
the bhagavad gita
fables of a jewish aesop
conversations with john
the sufi order
the life of the spirit in women
works faiths insight
creative meditation
mind and mater
the universe within
with mystics and magicians in tibet
my master
the yoga of the kathopanishead
discourses on mandukya and karaoke
man and his becoming
the philosophy of mahatma ghandi
man in the measure of all things
the meaning of the glorious koran
holy bible
holy bible
book of worship
the illustrated i ching
i ching
the i ching and the genetic code
the hero of a thousand faces
illustrated junior library
on art and artists
toa te ching
the great mother
the lord of the unicorn
the king and the corpse
rites and symbols of initiation
mephistopheles and the androgyne
letters from a traveller
a man’s place in nature
the phenomenon of man
the phenomenon of man
the divine milieu
human energy
human energy
hymn of the universe
teaching a stone to talk
the secret of the golden flower
twenty love poems
tertium organum: a key to the enigmas of the world
tertium organum: a key to the enigmas of the world
big bath poems
zen in the art of archery
the practice of zen
buddhism and zen
zen flesh, zen bones
the spirit of zen
asia buddhism:
seven views
living zen
the method of zen
zen buddhism and psychoanalysis
zen buddhism
the tree of life: image for the cosmos rhythm and repose
the art of contemplation
foundations in buddhism
zen and japanese culture
the world of zen
All the Titles in a Bookcase, 2017. A reading performed in Camden, Maine.